[Tutor] raw_input()

kumar s ps_python at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 16 00:04:02 CET 2010

Here it worked after trying a while loop:

x1.py  = 

while True:
         second = raw_input()
         x =  second.split('\t')
         y = x[1:]
         print '\t'.join(y)

%cat mybigfile.rod | python x1.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "x1.py", line 2, in <module>
    second = raw_input()
EOFError: EOF when reading a line

How to notify that at EOF break and suppress exception.


----- Original Message ----
From: kumar s <ps_python at yahoo.com>
To: tutor at python.org
Sent: Mon, March 15, 2010 6:52:26 PM
Subject: [Tutor] raw_input()

Dear group:
I have a large file 3GB. Each line is a tab delim file. 

example lines of it:

585     chr1    433     433     rs56289060      0       +       -       -       -/C     genomic insertion       unknown 0       0       unknown between 1
585     chr1    491     492     rs55998931      0       +       C       C       C/T     genomic single  unknown 0       0       unknown exact   1
585     chr1    518     519     rs62636508      0       +       G       G       C/G     genomic single  unknown 0       0       unknown exact   1
585     chr1    582     583     rs58108140      0       +       G       G       A/G     genomic single  unknown 0       0       unknown exact   1

Now I dont want to load this entire file. I want to give each line as an input and print selective lines. 

For example:

x1.py  = 

second = raw_input()
x =  second.split('\t')
y = x[1:]
print '\t'.join(y)

%cat mybigfile.rod | python x1.py
chr1    433     433     rs56289060      0       +       -       -       -/C     genomic insertion       unknown 0       0       unknown between 1

My question:

this program is only printing first line. It is not processing every line that cat spits to x1.py. 
how do I print every line. 



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