[Tutor] Interpolation function

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Thu Mar 25 22:21:56 CET 2010

On Fri, 26 Mar 2010 07:41:35 am Armstrong, Richard J. wrote:
> Hello all,
> Does anyone have a suggestion for a good interpolation function in
> numpy or scipy. I have an earthquake time history with a time step of
> 0.005 sec and want to convert it to a time history with a time step
> of say 0.01. The interpolation function numpy.interp is too "coarse"
> and modifies the characteristic of the time history too much.

You probably should take that question to a dedicated numpy or scipy 
mailing list, where the folks are more likely to be numerically 
sophisticated. Unless there happens to be an experienced numpy/scipy 
user hanging around here, any answer we give would be just guessing.

Steven D'Aprano

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