[Tutor] How do I find information about a Python object.

Albert-Jan Roskam fomcl at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 30 17:36:47 CEST 2010


Are you looking for the inspect module?
import inspect
cls = str




In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.


--- On Tue, 3/30/10, Mike Baker <mibaker88 at gmail.com> wrote:

From: Mike Baker <mibaker88 at gmail.com>
Subject: [Tutor] How do I find information about a Python object.
To: tutor at python.org
Date: Tuesday, March 30, 2010, 5:23 PM

I've downloaded IDLE python for windows.  I've also downloaded Eclipse with the python addition. I have simple programs that will run on both IDLE and Eclipse. How do I get more information about a object/variable, such as proc in the example below.

For example, if I execute the following:
    >>> proc = subprocess.Popen(['C:\\Progra~1\\putty\\plink','Catt'],
          I can remote log into our Linux machine named 'Catt'.
How do I find a list of attributes for the object/variable proc?  I've tried subprocess.__doc__ and subprocess.Popen.__doc__.
Random Googling shows that there are things like process identification numbers available - such as proc.pid.  How do I find the other options?

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