[Tutor] Need some help on "How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python" exercise

Yahoo Mail fai_991 at yahoo.com.hk
Tue Mar 30 19:00:48 CEST 2010

Hello All,

I am competely new in Python programming. When i reading Chapter 4 in "How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python" ,
I am stuck in the exercise 4. 

Here is the question:

Enter the following expressions into the Python shell:
1. True or False
2. True and False
3. not(False) and True
4. True or 7
5. False or 7
6. True and 0
7. False or 8
8. "happy" and "sad"
9. "happy" or "sad"
10. "" and "sad"
11. "happy" and ""

Analyze these results. What observations can you make about values of different types and logical operators? Can you write these observations in the form of simple rules about and and or expressions?

I have no problem with 1-4,  but compelely wrong with the rest. Like question 5, i throught the  answer is True, but when i type it in IDLE, I got 7 instead, question 8 "happy' and 'sad', my answer is True, but the answer is 'happy'. Can you please tell me why i am wrong. I really appreciate any assistance you can give.

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