[Tutor] Trying to get this to work - attached is the source code

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at comcast.net
Mon May 17 21:04:43 CEST 2010

Walter Prins wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> We're not familiar with the book, so you'll have to tell us exactly what
> you're doing, what you're seeing, and what you're expecting ot see instead.
> Suffice it to say, the script seems fine.  When you run it (from an
> operating system command prompt) it will print, in the command window, the
> output in block letters etc.

Could be this is the problem.  If it is not started at the command 
prompt you won't see anything.  Tripped me up when I first started.

> You don't really (I suppose) want to be entering those statements directly
> into the interpreter (which is what I'm guessing "typing it manually" might
> mean), although they should also work.  Obviously the exact output will be
> different because if you enter the lines in the program manually into the
> interpreter each line will be executed straight after entry.

I would guess that this means he types the program from the book, saves 
it and then runs it.  I often do this also, I find that it slows me down 
and I tend to pay more attention to what I am reading.

Regards,  Jim

> Walter
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