[Tutor] PYTHON 3.1

Dave Angel davea at ieee.org
Tue May 18 15:49:31 CEST 2010

(Please don't top-post.  Add your comments to the end of the portion 
you're quoting.)

Dipo Elegbede wrote:
> thanks a lot.
> i was almost going to abandon this python again out of frustration. i have
> done it before but with you guys around, it would never happen again.
> i have a pdf version of python programming for absolute beginners, could
> anyone please help me with its accompaning CD content?
> thanks as i anticipate responses.
> regards.
I don't know the version that your CD was written for.

If you're going to use a tutorial, it's smart to get a matching version 
of Python.  So if your tutorial is for 2.x, you should get Python 2.6 
(or soon, 2.7).  Otherwise, you'll be frequently frustrated by the 

They're not that bad, once you know the language.  But while you're 
learning, try to match your learning materials with your version.


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