[Tutor] requesting a help

Ahmed AL-Masri ahmedn82 at hotmail.com
Mon May 24 06:34:53 CEST 2010

I am facing the same problem that little complicated.
I have this kind of data in a file and actually it's coming from another class and it's in formex:0 00 11 01 1and another data which it's in form :0110so now what I need to put it in form data= [[[0,0],[0]],          [[0,1],[1]],	  [[1,0],[1]],	  [[1,1],[0]]	 ]
that is the form for a class that I can use the [0,1] is the inputs and inputs[0] is = 0 and inputs[1] is = to 1 . the same thing to the output[0] is = 0 and so onok, now this is the problem I have successes to to that reading from file in form0 00 11 01 1the output0110and I write it in a file called it data in the new form which is exactly what I want in form	 [[[0,0],[0]],          [[0,1],[1]],	  [[1,0],[1]],	  [[1,1],[0]],]but I got a problem. I cannot use this as a data when I read it from the data file cuz it's string and I tried to use int but couldn`t solve it yet.wish you can help me to find the solution in this problemether I can read the data from the original file and deal with it separately or write it to file and read it again which I am trying to do
def arange (inputs, targets, outputfile):  casesNo = len (inputs.readline())    for s in range (casesNo):    for line in inputs:        data=line.rsplit()        i=','.join(data)        break    for line1 in targets:        data1=line1.rsplit()        #print data1[0]        u=','.join(data1)        z= str(i)        w= str(u)        outputfile.write('[[%s],' % (z)+ '[%s]], \n' %(w))        break        outputfile.close()    arange(f,t,n) # f : input data, t: target data, n: outputfilelooking to hearing from you as soon as,once again thanks for your help and cooperation,

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