[Tutor] Recent Documents

David Abbott david at pythontoo.com
Thu May 27 21:34:13 CEST 2010

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 2:45 PM, John Storta Jr. <js at storta.net> wrote:
> I am working on an app that runs in gnome and uses gtk.  I am extremely
> new to Python.  (been working with it for all of 2 days).
> I am wanting to add a 'Recent Documents' menu option to the app.  Gnome
> tracks your recent documents -- apparently in a file called
> '.recently-used.xbel' in your home directory.
> So as to avoid reinventing the wheel, does anyone know of any examples
> of accessing the Gnome recently used file list from within Python?  Or
> is there some samples of how to implement something independently?

If you go here [1] and download Deskbar-Applet 2.30.0, once extracted
go to deskbar handlers and look at recent.py it may give you some

class RecentHandler(deskbar.interfaces.Module):

    INFOS = {'icon': deskbar.core.Utils.load_icon('document-open-recent'),
            "name": _("Recent Documents"),
            "description": _("Retrieve your recently accessed files
and locations"),
             "version": VERSION}

[1] http://download.gnome.org/sources/deskbar-applet/2.30/deskbar-applet-2.30.1.tar.g

David Abbott (dabbott)

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