[Tutor] namespaces

Robert Johansson robert.johansson at math.umu.se
Sun May 30 17:39:45 CEST 2010



This code generates the message "UnboundLocalError: local variable 'doubles'
referenced before assignment" (line: if d[0] == d[1] and doubles == 2:)




I think I have a fair picture of what it means but I would be very happy if
someone could explain the difference between the two variables h and doubles
in the code. Why is one accessible from the function but not the other? I
looked into rules for namespaces but I'm still confused. Below is another
sample of the code


Cheers, Robert


from random import *


h = 6

doubles = 0 # current number of consecutive doubles


def roll():

    d = [randint(1, h), randint(1, h)]

    if d[0] == d[1] and doubles == 2:

        doubles = 0

        return 0

    elif d[0] == d[1] and doubles < 2:

        doubles += 1

        return sum(d)


        return sum(d)


for n in range(10):

    d = roll()

    print d    


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