[Tutor] if statement

Adam Bark adam.jtm30 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 2 20:34:26 CET 2010

On 02/11/10 19:07, Glen Clark wrote:
> sorry:
> NumItems = int(input("How many Items: "))
> Entries = []
> for In in range(0,NumItems):
>     Entries.append("")
> for In in range(0,NumItems):
>     Entries[In]=str(input("Enter name " + str(In+1) + ": "))
> for In in range(0,NumItems):
>     print(Entries[In])
> confirmed = int(input("Are you happy with this? (y/n): ")
> if confirmed == "y":
>     for In in range(0,NumItems):
>        print(Entries[In] + ": " + str(In))
>     change = int(input("Which item would you like to change: ")
>     Entries[change]=str(input("Please enter a nem name: ")
> else:
>      #do nothing
> print(Entries)
Ok that's easier, you're missing a closing bracket at the end of the

confirmed = int(input("Are you happy with this? (y/n): ")

I think you might need at least a pass after else as well, although it 
should be fine to leave it out altogether once you've added the ')'.


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