[Tutor] querying the name of a calling python file

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Nov 5 19:34:44 CET 2010

"Garry Willgoose" <garry.willgoose at newcastle.edu.au> wrote

> For a while now I have been using the command below in a python file
> to determine the name of the python file that I use to launch an 
> application
> sys.modules['__main__'].__dict__['__file__']

The usual way to do that would be via sys.argv[0]

Is there any reason why you are using the method above?

Any time you find yourself using __xxx__ type names it suggests that
you are getting in too deep! :-) There is usually a simpler 
If I see three double-underscores in one line I know I'm either 
in very deep or missing a trick...

> Is the way I'm getting the file name the recommended way or did
> I pick up a bit of flaky advice?

There may be cases where it will work and argv[0] won't but until
you prove that you need it I'd go with argv[]

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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