[Tutor] Displaying Pictures & Text

Patty patty at cruzio.com
Sat Nov 6 19:53:49 CET 2010

Thanks for the explanation.  I will go ahead and trying using these 
functions in my program.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alan Gauld" <alan.gauld at btinternet.com>
To: <tutor at python.org>
Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2010 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Displaying Pictures & Text

> "Patty" <patty at cruzio.com> wrote
>>  I thought I wouldn't need Tkinter.  I thought Tkinter is yet another 
>> addon library
> Tkinter is the standfard GUI toolkit for Python and as such comes as part 
> of the
> standard library. (Although you do have to compile Python with that option
> enabled in some Linux distros)
>>   So I actually need both?
> Yes PUIL is for transforming the graphics and creatnf the image object.
> Tkinter can then displaty that image object in a GUI.
>> And this brings me back to my _other_  question which is that
>> as individuals go about downloading these addon libraries and
>> their doc, how do you organize this on your computer system?
> Most common add-on libraries will install themselves in the
> site-packages dirtectory structure under your Python root folder
> So they remain fairly well organized.
> Some thoird party tools are kist a single python module and you have
> to decide where to put it yourselfd. In my case thats usually in
> site-packages too.
> This does mean that when you upgrade you have to decide which,
> if any, of your site-package files to migrate to the new version and
> which to re-download. I usually opt for the re-download route just
> to be safe.
> Alan G.
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