[Tutor] query result set

Shawn Matlock matlocs at odscompanies.com
Tue Nov 9 02:58:36 CET 2010

I am able to successfully query a MySQL database using zxJDBC but the result set seems odd to me. It returns the following:

[(u'envDB', u'systest2'), (u'envDir', u'st2'), (u'envCellName', u'Systest2Cell'), (u'envFrontEnd', u'systest2FrontEnd'), (u'envTag', u'system_test2')]

Why is there a "u" before every entry? Can someone point me to an example that puts the results into a List (or Dictionary) without the "u"?

Thank you,

csdbConn = zxJDBC.connect("jdbc:mysql://myhost:3306/mydb", "User", "Password", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")

csdbCursor = csdbConn.cursor(1)

envsql = "select envVariable, envValue from ODS_ENV_DICT where envName = 'ST2'"


print csdbCursor.fetchall()


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