[Tutor] Recommend a MVC framework

Evert Rol evert.rol at gmail.com
Sun Nov 14 21:57:28 CET 2010

> I've been web programming for 15 years now. 8 of it using python.
> Lately I have been 'studying' PHP via the CodeIgnitor Framework.
> Since python remains my first choice, but since I am also
> impressed with the concept of CodeIgnitor, I would welcome
> recommendations on a python MVC framework.

Django is the default choice, ie, the most common one. Has lots of good documentation, and because of its popularity, lots of examples floating around on the web.
Other ones include Pylons and TurboGears, but I have little to no experience with those.

It'll also depend on your needs, but since you don't specify any, I'd suggest to look at Django first: http://www.djangoproject.com/

> One restriction: must *not* need an application server, I.E. works
> thru Apache and is adaptable to a shared server.

Django can run be run through mod_wsgi (or mod_python if you really want). And other web servers than Apache will also work. 

Don't know what you mean with "shared server", but if you mean multiple accounts running their web apps through one Apache server, that can work (provided Apache is correctly configured).



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