[Tutor] python at midnight

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Sun Nov 14 23:48:31 CET 2010

ingo wrote:
> Questions,
> Is there a date time library that accepts the 24:00? mxDateTime doesn't.

I don't know of any.

> Is there a way to set the limit 'from the outside' (subclassing???) or
> a simple way around?

Write a wrapper function:

def datetime24(*args):
         return datetime.datetime(*args)
     except ValueError:
         args = list(args)
         if len(args) >= 4 and args[3] == 24:
             if ((not args[4:5] or args[4] == 0) and
                 (not args[5:6] or args[5] == 0)):
                 args[3] = 0
                 yesterday = datetime.datetime(*args)
                 return yesterday + datetime.timedelta(1, 0, 0)

This catches the error raised by the datetime object. If the hour is 24 
and the minute and second arguments either don't exist, or are 0, it 
calculates the datetime from 0:00 instead of 24:00, then adds one day to 
it. Otherwise it re-raises the error.

> How to get this functionality added to Python?

Make a feature request on the Python bug tracker:



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