[Tutor] Fw: Installing Pyserial for Python27 on Win 7

Emile van Sebille emile at fenx.com
Tue Nov 23 17:27:38 CET 2010

On 11/23/2010 5:57 AM Walter Prins said...
> On 23 November 2010 03:02, John Smith<jocjo.s at verizon.net>  wrote:
>> I like Python itself. Very powerful. But I guess I'll look for some other
>> language which provides the features I need without the hassle. Thanks again
>> for your help.
> In any case for the record, Python source, especially cross-platform source,
> will often be distributed as .tar.gz and oftentimes its actually preferred
> to use the source if possible, there's no need to be worried about this or
> to fear it in any way.

To add to what Walter said, in general it's probably a good thing to 
learn to be somewhat comfortable installing from sources, whether for 
python or any other language or OS.  You're likely to run in to version 
conflicts sooner or later and often the resolution involves building 
from source or installing or reverting to specific versions of packages.

Speaking of which, you can also install the version of python supported 
by the maintainers of PYSERIAL so that you can use the installer.

In any case, serial communications is rarely simple -- I still have 
books on my shelf from the early 80s detailing the hundreds of RS232 
'standards' that were in common use then.


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