[Tutor] Temperature Scales

Corey Richardson kb1pkl at aim.com
Mon Nov 29 03:23:59 CET 2010

On 11/28/2010 8:33 PM, Andre Jeyarajan wrote:
> Write two functions that will convert temperatures back and forth from 
> the Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature scales (using raw_input)
> def C_F(x):
>     y = (x-32)*(5.0/9)
> print y
> def F_C(x):
>     y = (x*9.0/5)+32
> print y
> I have created the two functions but I don’t know what to do from here.
> Can you help?
> Thanks
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I get the curious feeling this is homework.  You would need to do one of 
two things:
Pass the output of raw_input as an argument or rewrite your functions so 
that instead of taking the temperature as a parameter, it asks in the 
body of the function for a temperature. In either case, you will run 
into a little TypeError, easily fixed however.
~Corey Richardson
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