Walter Prins
wprins at gmail.com
Mon Oct 11 17:39:45 CEST 2010
On 11 October 2010 14:37, Susana Iraiis Delgado Rodriguez <
susana.delgado_s at utzmg.edu.mx> wrote:
> The other question is about the excel files management, if I want to
> manipulate this data to work it in Excel should I look for an excel library
> in python right?
Yes. I already mentioned one (in my view good) option in my original reply
to you. The xlwt module works quite well for generating Excel files (with
expectable limitations) from any platform that Python's available on (e.g.
including non-Windows.) and thus does not require Excel to be available on
the machine you're producing the file on.
If however you are running on Windows and have Excel installed, you could
consider driving the real Excel via COM automation, which will guarantee you
get desired results including formatting, charts etc, and will ensure you
have full access to all the functionality Excel exposes via its COM object
If your requirements on the other hand simple enough then Joel's suggestion
to use CSV is probably preferable. (The KISS principle: "Keep It Small &
There's also the possibility to look into generating .xlsx files (e.g. XML
based Office format files.) Theoretically you should be able to generate
the correctly structured XML independent of Excel and have it open in
Excel. I suspect that may be rather painful though (have never tried this
myself) andam almost reluctant to even mention this option, so caveat
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