[Tutor] SQLite3 DB Field Alphabetizing

bob gailer bgailer at gmail.com
Tue Oct 12 14:28:18 CEST 2010

  On 10/12/2010 7:41 AM, David Hutto wrote:
> When calling a sqlite3 db file

Calling? How did you do that? I presume a sql select statement. True?

If so please post the statement.

Else what do you mean by call?

>   in python 2.6 on Ubuntu, I get the
> following when the items are taken from the db tuple, lstripped('u'),
> and added to a list.
> ['.hjvkjgfkj/bdgfkjbg', 'bbbbbbbbbbbbuuzzzzzzzzz', 'jgkgyckghc',
> 'kfhhv ', 'khfhf', 'test', 'test10', 'test2', 'test3', 'test346w43',
> 'test4', 'test5', 'test6', 'test7', 'test7uyuy', 'test8', 'test9',
> 'testgraph', ';s;juf;sfkh', 'zzrerhshhjrs']
> My question is, why is everything except [:-2] in alphabetical order?
> It doesn't really matter(at this point), for my purposes, but I'd like
> to know when they changed the abc's to xy;z's?

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC

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