[Tutor] Need help with converting script using 2.6's urllib2 to Python 3.1

Richard D. Moores rdmoores at gmail.com
Mon Oct 25 23:11:15 CEST 2010

So I finally find a relevant example in the docs:

The first example gave me some understanding and led me to revising my code to

import urllib.request
f = urllib.request.urlopen('http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/currency/CUR_USDYEN')
a = f.read(20500).decode('utf-8')
b = a[19000:20500]
idx_pricewrap = b.find('pricewrap')
context = b[idx_pricewrap:idx_pricewrap+80]
idx_bgLast = context.find('bgLast')
rate = context[idx_bgLast+8:idx_bgLast+15]

which works like a charm.


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