[Tutor] Begginer Python Problems - Urgent! Due by tomorrow morning.

Dipo Elegbede delegbede at dudupay.com
Fri Sep 3 11:30:51 CEST 2010

>From what I can understand, I think you are getting what you should
get. If you want the program to ask you for a number onput, i think
you should type something like:
x = raw_input('Enter a Number: ')
x is a variable that takes whatever value you type in.
This I feel should be the line if you are on python 3 and I should even ask why.
I got the same advice as a beginner to learn with python 2.6 due to
availability of books and tutorials.
However, if it were python 2.6, type:
x = input('Enter a Number: ')
Here, x also takes any value you enter.
Clearly, from what you have shown here, you should get something like:
Greetings Earthing
Greetings Earthing
Greetings Earthing
Greetings Earthing
Greetings Earthing
Greetings Earthing
Here's the explanation:
The greeting functions if called should have given this:
Greetings Earthing
Greetings Earthing
I iterates over the print call 2 times because you stated range(3)
However, you called the greeting function in the regreet function, and
stated that j should iterate in the range(4).
That way, greeting is called 3 times and then you have what i have
already stated above.
I hope this is correct and it helps.

On 9/3/10, Colleen Glaeser <songbird42371 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Python Tutors,
> I'm having trouble while typing a beginner program for python.
> Due to troublesome circumstances, I had to take pictures of the assignment
> sheet on my phone, and work from that.
> Although it is all clearly legible, I still think something with my program
> is not working.
> If I run the program in the shell, I should be getting something that asks
> for a number, and I need to try positive and negative numbers and see what
> spits out.
> However, I'm getting the number 24, and a repetition of the words "Hello"
> and "Greetings, earthlings."
> This below is my program, and I've retyped it too many times to remember,
> while looking at the assignment sheet.
> What am I doing wrong?  Can anybody help?  D:  I need to turn my results in
> to class tomorrow morning!
> # Lab 1
> # Programmed by Colleen G.
> x = 12
> print (2*x)
> def greetings():
>     for i in range (3):
>         print ('Hello ')
>     print ('Greetings, earthling')
> def regreet():
>     for j in range(4):
>         greetings()
> regreet()
> End of program.....help needed quickly!  Thank you!  I am using Python 3.1.2
> --
> Colleen Glaeser
> songbird42371 at gmail.com
> 636.357.8519

Sent from my mobile device

Elegbede Muhammed Oladipupo
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