[Tutor] iterating over less than a full list

Bill Allen wallenpb at gmail.com
Sun Sep 5 04:00:38 CEST 2010

Thanks to everyone who replied.   Some of the methods presented where some I
had thought of, others were new to me.   Particularly, I did not realize I
could apply a slice to a list.   The for x in some_stuff[:value] form worked
very well for my purposes.  I can also see I need to look into the itertools
module and see what goodies are to be found there.


On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 2:07 PM, Dave Angel <davea at ieee.org> wrote:

> Bill Allen wrote:
>> Say I have and iterable called some_stuff which is thousands of items in
>> length and I am looping thru it as such:
>> for x in some_stuff
>>     etc...
>> However, what if I want only to iterate through only the first ten items
>> of
>> some_stuff, for testing purposes.  Is there a concise way of specifying
>> that
>> in the for statement line?
>> -Bill
> You could use islice()
> import itertools
> for x in itertools.islice(some_stuff, 0, 10)
>   print x
> DaveA
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