[Tutor] Multiple versions of python and paths problems

Dave Angel davea at ieee.org
Tue Sep 7 01:40:44 CEST 2010

On 2:59 PM, Dominique wrote:
> <snip>=
> but it's really not fun working with this bloody windows console where cut and
> paste is impossible...
Cut and paste work fine in a Windows DOS console.   Using Properties, 
the Options tab, turn on Quick-Edit mode.  Once you've done that, you 
can select a rectangle of text in such a console by using click/drag.  
Then you copy it to the clipboard with right click.

If you need to paste into the command line, something that's already in 
the clipboard, you can again use right click.

It's also possible to do copy or past without changing any properties -- 
just use the right-click on the title bar. to mark, then copy, or to paste.


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