[Tutor] Random list exercise

lists lists at justuber.com
Fri Sep 10 21:56:07 CEST 2010

>  On 9/10/2010 5:22 AM, lists wrote:
>>> you could try random.shuffle and save a lot of time, it takes a mutable
>>> sequence (like a list) and shuffles it
>> Hey there,
>> For the few exercises I've been doing, I think the author has been
>> attempting to make the reader do things 'the difficult way' so that
>> the reader understands how things work. Hopefully the next few
>> chapters will introduce me to doing things the easier way lol :-D
>> random.shuffle is cool though. I'm really impressed on the sheer
>> volume of functions that Python provides to make a programmer's life
>> easier!
>> Chris
> also when you reply, make sure you reply to all the tutors, not just me

Hi Chris,

I forgot like you did earlier ;-) I did then take the email and send
it to the list so everyone got it.


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