[Tutor] changing list index start

Francesco Loffredo fal at libero.it
Sat Sep 11 13:04:05 CEST 2010

On 10/09/2010 23.36, Rance Hall wrote:
> I'm using the following function style I found on the net to create
> menus for a command line python script:
> def mainmenu():
>      # the main menu
>      todolist()
>      mainmenuoptions = ['Clients','Jobs','Billing','Quotes','To Do
> Items','Employee','Exit']
>      mainmenucalls = [clientsmenu, jobsmenu, billingmenu, quotesmenu,
> todomenu, empmenu, quit]
>      for i,option in enumerate(mainmenuoptions):
>          print('%s. %s' % (i, option))
>      mainchoice = int(input('\nYour Choice? '))
>      clearscreen(osname)
>      mainmenucalls[mainchoice]()
>      return
> It works well, but the first item is the list is item 0.  This is
> normal in most computing situations, but because this index is part of
> the output It would be nice if the first item in the list is item 1.
> php provided a way to change this, but I can find no documentation
> that says python can do this as well.
I don't know of any way to change this, but I can think may ways to 
bypass the "problem"  or to make good use of it. For example:

mainmenuoptions = ["Main Menu:\n", 
'Clients','Jobs','Billing','Quotes','To Do Items','Employee','Exit']
mainmenucalls = [do_nothing, clientsmenu, jobsmenu, billingmenu, 
quotesmenu, todomenu, empmenu, quit]
def do_nothing()

What about this?

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