[Tutor] exceptions problem

Dave Angel davea at ieee.org
Sat Sep 11 19:59:19 CEST 2010

On 2:59 PM, Roelof Wobben wrote:
> <snip>
> Hello Bob,
> Oke, I try to  fish.
> When I do
> x="a"
> y=nt(x)
> Then I get ValueError.
> When I do
> x= 1.2
> y=int(x)
> No exception is raised.
> But when I do then x = I get a false.
> When I now do float(x) - int(x) I get 1.2 - 1 =.2 and that's greater then 0
> Because one of the two is true the Raise is executed.
> x = -9
> y= int(x)
> No exception is raised.
> X =y is True.
> But float(x) - int(x) I get 0.0 and 0.0>  0 is False.
> Because x =y is True the Raise is executed.
> Are these the right conclusions ??
> Roelof
But in your original code, x was a string.  raw_input() produces a 
string, not a float.  So the middle case is different than what you're 
trying now.


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