[Tutor] forcing hashlib to has string variables

Rance Hall ranceh at gmail.com
Sun Sep 12 20:19:41 CEST 2010

Everybody knows you don't store plain text passwords in a database,
you store hashes instead


userpass = getpass.getpass("User password? ")

encuserpass = hashlib.md5()


del userpass

Now the documentation clearly states that if you are hashing a string
you need to covert it to bytes first with a line like this:

encuserpass.update(b"text string here")

The "b" in this syntax is a shortcut to converting the string to bytes
for hasing purposes.

which means that the first code snippet fails, since I didnt convert
the variable contents to bytes instead of text.

I didn't see an example that addresses hashing the string contents of
a variable.

Whats missing in the above example that makes hashing the contents of
a string variable work?

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