[Tutor] recursive problem

ALAN GAULD alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sun Sep 12 23:08:53 CEST 2010

> > If you do need to avoid accidentally launching  missiles then you need
> > to do some type checking - although ideally using  isinstance() instead
> > of type(). But in the majority of cases some  sensible documentation
> > and Python's culture that we are all adults here  usually means you
> > don't need to.
> The last chapter I don't understand completly.
> Do i have no need for type  checking or make use of isinstance() or do I 
>misunderstood you.
> Sorry that  English is not a language I speak very well.

I'm saying that most of the time you should try working without type checking 
but there are occasions when you must do it. And if you do need to you should 
nearly always use isinstance() rather than type()


Alan G

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