[Tutor] wierd replace problem

Roelof Wobben rwobben at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 13 17:20:04 CEST 2010

> From: rwobben at hotmail.com
> To: bgailer at gmail.com
> Subject: RE: [Tutor] wierd replace problem
> Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 15:19:12 +0000
> ----------------------------------------
>> Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 11:07:19 -0400
>> From: bgailer at gmail.com
>> To: tutor at python.org
>> Subject: Re: [Tutor] wierd replace problem
>> On 9/13/2010 8:19 AM, Roelof Wobben wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have this string called test with the contents of 'het is een wonder \\TIS'
>>> Now I want to get rid of the \\ so I do this : test2 = test.replace ('\\', '')
>>> And I get at the python prompt this answer : 'het is een wonder TIS'
>>> So that's right.
>>> Now I try the same in a IDE with this programm :
>>> woorden =[]
>>> letter_counts = {}
>>> file = open ('alice_in_wonderland.txt', 'r')
>>> for line in file:
>>> line2 = line.replace ("\\","")
>>> line3 = line2.lower()
>>> woorden = line3.split()
>>> for letter in woorden:
>>> letter_counts[letter] = letter_counts.get (letter, 0) + 1
>>> letter_items = letter_counts.items()
>>> letter_items.sort()
>>> print letter_items
>>> But now Im gettting this output :
>>> [('"\'tis', 1),
>>> Why does the \ stays here. It should have gone as the test in the python prompt says.
>> I ran your program against a 1 line file containing 'het is een wonder
>> \\TIS'
>> The result I get is [('een', 1), ('het', 1), ('is', 1), ('tis', 1),
>> ('wonder', 1)]
>> Dunno why you are getting a different result.
>> Here is where using the debugger and going step by step can help. I have
>> no experience with the IDLE debugger. Perhaps others can offer advice on
>> that.
>> --
>> Bob Gailer
>> 919-636-4239
>> Chapel Hill NC
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Hello everyone.

Chancing to (r\\, '') or (\\\\, '') did not help.

I know that there were more outcome. I would only let see that on the python prompt the \ is deleted and if I use Eclipse the / stays when I use the text from alice in wonderland.

 And im still wondering why this happens.
 Maybe put the text from alice into the python prompt and look what happens.


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