[Tutor] selecting elements from dictionary

Knacktus knacktus at googlemail.com
Wed Sep 15 05:51:48 CEST 2010

> xdic
> {11135457: [1], 11135492: [1], 11135913: [1], 11135436: [1, 2],
> 11135699: [1, 2], 11135702: [1, 3], 11135901: [1]}
> I want to print only those items that have [1,2] and [1,3] in any order,
> such as [1,2] or [2,1], [3,1] or [1,3]
>  >>> for item in xdic.keys():
> ... if [1,2] in xdic[item]:
> ... print item
You can loop over the values directly:

xdic = {11135457: [1], 11135492: [1], 11135913: [1], 11135436: [1, 2], 
11135699: [1, 2], 11135702: [1, 3], 11135901: [1]}

for values in xdic.values():
     if len(values) == 2:
         print values

or if you only want values which contain 1 and 2 or 3:

for values in xdic.values():
     if 1 in values and 2 in values or 3 in values:
         print values

or a combination of the above, where you check the length and the 
content of the list.



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