[Tutor] Function behavior
Evert Rol
evert.rol at gmail.com
Thu Sep 16 14:58:32 CEST 2010
> I am unclear on the behavior of using a function. Below is a short code I wrote to print an amount out after inputting the number of match.
> # TEST Function.py
> def change(amount):
> if match == 1:
> amount = 0
> if match == 2:
> amount = 0
> if match == 3:
> amount = 3
> match = raw_input("How many matches?: ")
> change(match)
> print amount
> ERROR Message:
> How many matches?: 2
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/home/ken/Python262/TEST Function.py", line 13, in <module>
> print amount
> NameError: name 'amount' is not defined
Variables are only local to the their direct surroundings: in this case, amount is only local to the 'change' function, not outside it.
You might want to read through http://docs.python.org/tutorial/controlflow.html#defining-functions first.
> How do I print out the amount of 0 if I input 2?
> Should it be def change(match) instead of def change(amount)?
> Perhaps, change(amount) instead of change(match)?
> Perhaps, I need to add return somewhere?
> Thanking you all in advance for your assistance.
> Ken
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