[Tutor] working with empty lists

Joel Goldstick joel.goldstick at gmail.com
Thu Sep 16 16:24:03 CEST 2010

I typed in this:

  3 l = []
  5 for i in range(0,10):
  6     l.append(i+1)
  8 for i in range(0,10):
  9     print ('%s. %s' % (i, l[i]))
 11 def paginate_stuff(list, start):
 12     pagesize = 2
 13     for i in list[start:start+pagesize]:
 14         print ('%s. %s' % (i,list[i]))
 15     return
 17 paginate_stuff(l,0)

and i get this:
0. 1
1. 2
2. 3
3. 4
4. 5
5. 6
6. 7
7. 8
8. 9
9. 10
1. 2
2. 3

What are you expecting?

But I keep losing list[0]
> Im reasonably sure that it has something to do with my for loop, but I
> don't understand how
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Joel Goldstick
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