[Tutor] robots question

Roelof Wobben rwobben at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 17 09:46:23 CEST 2010


I changed a lot because of your suggestions.

But one thing is still a puzzle.

The robots don't move anymore.

What I have is this :

# robots.py
from gasp import *


def place_player():
    # x = random.randint(0, GRID_WIDTH)
    # y = random.randint(0, GRID_HEIGHT)
    x, y = GRID_WIDTH/2 + 3, GRID_HEIGHT/2
    return {'shape': Circle((10*x+5, 10*y+5), 5, filled=True), 'x': x, 'y': y}

def place_robot(x, y, junk=False):
    return {'shape': Box((10*x, 10*y), 10, 10, filled = junk), 'x': x, 'y': y}

def place_robots(numbots):
    # for i in range(numbots):
    #    x = random.randint(0, GRID_WIDTH)
    #    y = random.randint(0, GRID_HEIGHT)
    #    robots.append(place_robot(x, y))
    robots.append(place_robot(GRID_WIDTH/2 - 4, GRID_HEIGHT/2 + 2, junk = False))
    robots.append(place_robot(GRID_WIDTH/2 - 4, GRID_HEIGHT/2 - 2, junk = False))
    return robots

def move_player(player):
    if key_pressed('escape'):
        return True
    elif key_pressed('4'):
        if player['x'] > 0: player['x'] -= 1
    elif key_pressed('7'):
        if player['x'] > 0: player['x'] -= 1
        if player['y'] < GRID_HEIGHT: player['y'] += 1
    elif key_pressed('8'):
        if player['y'] < GRID_HEIGHT: player['y'] += 1
    elif key_pressed('9'):
        if player['x'] < GRID_WIDTH: player['x'] += 1
        if player['y'] < GRID_HEIGHT: player['y'] += 1
    elif key_pressed('6'):
        if player['x'] < GRID_WIDTH: player['x'] += 1
    elif key_pressed('3'):
        if player['x'] < GRID_WIDTH: player['x'] += 1
        if player['y'] > 0: player['y'] -= 1
    elif key_pressed('2'):
        if player['y'] > 0: player['y'] -= 1
    elif key_pressed('1'):
        if player['x'] > 0: player['x'] -= 1
        if player['y'] > 0: player['y'] -= 1
    elif key_pressed('0'):
       player['x'] = random.randint(0, GRID_WIDTH)
       player['y'] = random.randint(0, GRID_HEIGHT)
        return False

    move_to(player['shape'], (10*player['x']+5, 10*player['y']+5))

    return False

def collided(thing1, thing2):
    return thing1['x'] == thing2['x'] and thing1['y'] == thing2['y']

def check_collisions(robots, junk, player):
    # check whether player has collided with anything
    for thing in robots + junk:
        if collided(thing, player):
            return True
    return False

def move_robot(robot, player):
    if robot['x'] < player['x']: robot['x'] += 1
    elif robot['x'] > player['x']: robot['x'] -= 1

    if robot['y'] < player['y']: robot['y'] += 1
    elif robot['y'] > player['y']: robot['y'] -= 1

    move_to(robot['shape'], (10*robot['x'], 10*robot['y']))

def move_robots(robots, player):
    for robot in robots:
        move_robot(robot, player)

def play_game():
    begin_graphics(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)
    player = place_player()
    robots = []
    junk = [ place_robot(GRID_WIDTH/2, GRID_HEIGHT/2, junk=True )]
    defeated = False

    while not defeated:
        quit =  move_player(player)
        if quit:
        move_robots(robots, player)
        defeated = check_collisions(robots, junk, player)

    if defeated:
        for thing in robots + junk:
        Text("They got you!", (240, 240), size=32)


if __name__ == '__main__':


> To: tutor at python.org
> From: alan.gauld at btinternet.com
> Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 01:14:32 +0100
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] robots question
> "Roelof Wobben" <rwobben at hotmail.com> wrote
> #
> # robots.py
> This is pretty weird code, there are several odd things in it.
> def place_player():
>     # x = random.randint(0, GRID_WIDTH)
>     # y = random.randint(0, GRID_HEIGHT)
>     x, y = GRID_WIDTH/2 + 3, GRID_HEIGHT/2
>     return {'shape': Circle((10*x+5, 10*y+5), 5, filled=True), 'x': x, 
> 'y': y}
> So this returns a dictionary which always contains the same data.
> def place_robot(x,y, junk):
>     x = random.randint(0, GRID_WIDTH)
>     y = random.randint(0, GRID_HEIGHT)
>     return {'shape': Box((10*x, 10*y), 10, 10), 'x': x, 'y': y}
> This returns a similar dict but with random data.
> It ignores the values of x and y passed in and does not use junk at 
> all.
> def place_robots(numbots):
>     robots = []
>     # for i in range(numbots):
>     #    x = random.randint(0, GRID_WIDTH)
>     #    y = random.randint(0, GRID_HEIGHT)
>     #    robots.append(place_robot(x, y))
>     robots.append(place_robot(GRID_WIDTH/2 - 4, GRID_HEIGHT/2 + 2, 
> junk= False))
>     robots.append(place_robot(GRID_WIDTH/2 - 4, GRID_HEIGHT/2 - 2, 
> junk = False))
>     print type(robots)
>     return robots
> This returns a list of 2 dictionaries. The x,y parameters are ignored 
> by the function.
> def move_player(player):
>     update_when('key_pressed')
>     if key_pressed('escape'):
>         return True
>     elif key_pressed('4'): ...
>     else:
>         return False
>     move_to(player['shape'], (10*player['x']+5, 10*player['y']+5))
>     return False
> This seems OK, it returns True for escape otherwise False.
> def collided(thing1, thing2):
>     return thing1['x'] == thing2['x'] and thing1['y'] == thing2['y']
> This returns a boolean
> def check_collisions(robots, junk, player):
>     # check whether player has collided with anything
>     for thing in robots + junk:
>         if collided(thing, player):
>             return True
>     return False
> Could be simplified to just
> for thing in robots + junk:
>      return collided(thing, player)
> It requires that robots and junk are capable of being added together
> and the result being iterable.
> def move_robot(robot, player):
>     if robot['x'] < player['x']: robot['x'] += 1
>     elif robot['x'] > player['x']: robot['x'] -= 1
>     if robot['y'] < player['y']: robot['y'] += 1
>     elif robot['y'] > player['y']: robot['y'] -= 1
>     move_to(robot['shape'], (10*robot['x'], 10*robot['y']))
> I don't see move_to so assume its part of the module you imported?
> def move_robots(robots, player):
>     for robot in robots:
>         move_robot(robot, player)
> ok
> def play_game():
>     begin_graphics(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)
>     player = place_player()
>     robot = place_robots(4)
>     junk = [ place_robot(GRID_WIDTH/2, GRID_HEIGHT/2, junk="true" )]
>     robots = []
>     defeated = False
> So at this point
> player is a dict
> robot is a list of 2 dicts
> junk is a list of one dict
> robots is an empty list
>     while not defeated:
>         quit =  move_player(player)
>         if quit:
>             break
>         move_robots(robots, player)
>         print "type robots", type(robots)
>         print "type junk", type(junk)
>         print "type player", type(player)
>         defeated = check_collisions(robots, player, junk)
> You now call check_collisions passing an empty list and a dict and a 
> list of a dict
> The order in the definition is:
> def check_collisions(robots, junk, player):
> so it looks like you swapped the last two arguments
> And now Im getting this message :
> ** Message: pygobject_register_sinkfunc is deprecated (GtkWindow)
> ** Message: pygobject_register_sinkfunc is deprecated (GtkInvisible)
> ** Message: pygobject_register_sinkfunc is deprecated (GtkObject)
> <type 'list'>
> Not sure where that lot came from...
> type robotsTraceback (most recent call last):
>  <type 'list'>
> type junk <type 'list'>
> type player <type 'dict'>
>   File "/root/workspace/test2/src/test.py", line 125, in <module>
>     play_game()
>   File "/root/workspace/test2/src/test.py", line 111, in play_game
>     defeated = check_collisions(robots, player, junk)
>   File "/root/workspace/test2/src/test.py", line 74, in 
> check_collisions
>     for thing in robots + junk:
> TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "dict") to list
> But this is valid because of the swapped arguments.
> > So far I can see the problem is that player is a dict and the rest 
> > is a list.
> > Is this the correct conclusion ?
> Yes, but you missed the fact that you changed the order of the 
> arguments.
> When you get type errors check the types at your interfaces(functions, 
> classes etc)
> match the definitions.
> -- 
> Alan Gauld
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> http://www.alan-g.me.uk/
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