[Tutor] Showing/hiding widgets in Tkinter

The Green Tea Leaf thegreentealeaf at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 10:27:27 CEST 2011

Hi all,

I'm trying to learn a bit about how to show/hide objects using the
available layout managers and have no problems using Pack or Grid but
when I try to use Place then I'm missing something

My test code looks like this

from Tkinter import *

def toggle():
    if mylabel.visible:
    mylabel.visible = not mylabel.visible

root = Tk()

mylabel = Label(text="Example")
mylabel.visible = True

btnToggle = Button(text="Toggle nr two",command=toggle)


According to the documentation I've read I should be able to use
'place()' after having used 'place_forget()' to show the label at the
same place.

What happens is on the first click the label disappears, but when I
click again it stays invisible (and yes, the else statement is
executed). If I change the else-statement to

Any idea what I'm missing?

The Green Tea Leaf   thegreentealeaf at gmail.com   thegreentealeaf.blogspot.com

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