[Tutor] Python 3.2 Install Not Responding To Python Command!!

Nevins Duret duretn at bellsouth.net
Sat Apr 9 20:45:14 CEST 2011

On 04/09/2011 02:32 PM, Walter Prins wrote:
> On 9 April 2011 17:44, Nevins Duret <duretn at bellsouth.net 
> <mailto:duretn at bellsouth.net>> wrote:
>     Compiling with Ubuntu
>     # get required packages for build
>     sudo  apt-get  install  build-essential libncursesw5-dev libreadline5-dev libssl-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev
>     # get source
>     wget  http://www.python.org  <http://www.python.org>/ftp/python/3.2/Python-3.2.tgz&&  tar  -xvf  Python-3.2.tgz
>     # make install
>     ./configure
>     make
>     sudo  make  altinstall
>     # make 3.2 the default python system wide (number 1 at the end stays there)
>     sudo  update-alternatives--install  /usr/bin/python pythonopt/py32/bin1
>     # ensure various versions of python play nice with each other
>     sudo  update-alternatives--config  python
>     Again I really appreciate your help, getting over this hurdle would help me be confident in what goes on under the hood.
>     At this point, it seems that I will need instructions on how to remove python3.2 in order to get a reattempt at installing it
>     properly.
> OK... It's usually preferable if at all possible to install things 
> using the system's package manager -- is there any particular reason 
> that you must use Python 3.2 and can't install Python 3.1.2, which is 
> available in the repositories? It may be installed by simply doing:
> sudo apt-get install python3-all
> As for fixing/undoing any problems in your system -- I'm reluctant to 
> try and fix that via this list and without more information.  I'd 
> therefore suggest asking on the Ubuntu community forums programming 
> sub-forum. http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=310
> Walter
Hello Walter,

     I can't thank you enough for your help.  Yes, I usually use the 
Synaptic Package Manager, however in this case, Python version 3.2 is 
not on the Synaptic package Manager.  This is why I chose to build it 
from source.  As far as what I think is causing this when I go in the 
Terminal and type:
p me out.
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python/python3.2 python 
/opt/py32/bin/python3.2 1

I get this as an error message:

update-alternatives: renaming python link from /usr/bin/python to 
update-alternatives: warning: forcing reinstallation of alternative 
/opt/py32/bin because link group python is broken.
update-alternatives: error: unable to make 
/usr/bin/python/python3.2.dpkg-tmp a symlink to 
/etc/alternatives/python: No such file or directory

I must add that I am running this in the Terminal under the Python-3.2 
directory that I uncompressed after I downloaded it.  The reason why I'm 
using this version of Python is because Blender2.5, a 3D animation open 
source program is built on Python3.2 and requires it if I am to develop 
it using CMAKE.  And, so far, I have blender installed on /opt/py32.

     I really appreciate your help, and am learning tons by going 
through this.  I understand that posting this question here may not be 
suitable, but I'm confident someone will be able to help me out.
Thanks so much.

Best Regards,

Nevins Duret
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