[Tutor] Running python on windows

ALAN GAULD alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Apr 11 23:24:32 CEST 2011

> At least in my case it was about simplicity. If it was a simple matter of using 
> a base python program, that would be one thing, but the last program i 
> distributed here at work used pygtk as it's GUI 

Valid comment although its not much more work to build a custom 
installer that installs Python plus all the other libs. And checks that 
they aren't already there first...

However due to the incompatibility issues around v3 I'm much less 
anti-packages than I used to be. But I do think the reluctance to 
install Python is not a valid reason, it's not much different to installing 
a JVM for java.

> It doesn't make sense to say, go here, install this, ok, now drop 
> this in this folder, ok now drop this in that folder, ok now open 
> your command prompt and type this string 

Agreed, we need to package our apps so the user doesn't need to 
do this. But that doesn't necessariily mean creating a packed exe.
But sadly that usually means using a third party installer, and the 
best of those are all commercial so it costs $$$.

Alan G.
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