[Tutor] Converting files

"Andrés Chandía" andres at chandia.net
Tue Apr 12 10:12:18 CEST 2011

this is the list for cherrypy

<cherrypy-users at googlegroups.com>

El Mar, 12 de Abril de 2011, 10:02,
sunil tech escribió:
  thank you for all your valuable
but i want it to be
converted using python code ..

On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 2:38 AM, Evans Anyokwu onyxtic at gmail.com> wrote:
use Openoffice and it has an option to export your files to .pdf and lots of other file
It's a free download - and has all the usual Office applications...

Search for 'OpenOffice' online.



On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 9:48 PM, Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com> wrote:

 "sunil tech" sunil.techspk at gmail.com> wrote

  is there any way to convert any
file (eg: document files & image files) to
 if so, kindly

Install a PDF print driver and then print the file to that printer.
 Set it to save as a
file. Then if its printable you can get it as a PDF.
 You can do the same with
postscript(and postscript drivers
 come with most OS). Then send the postscript file to
 web site to get them to generate the PDF from postscript.
 (You can also
download free convertors)
 Finally, and because this is a Python list,  you
could use a
 Python library and generate the file yourself - but while thats
 ok for
your own data its a lot harder for many file types!
 Alan Gauld
 Author of the Learn to Program web site


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