[Tutor] super() with Multiple Inheritance

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Thu Apr 14 23:33:37 CEST 2011

"James Thornton" <james at jamesthornton.com> wrote

> I found this issue -- I was setting setting self.s to the return 
> value
> of super() and trying to use self.s in params():

> ...but this won't work.

No, because super returns whatever the superclass
method returns. Which in init() is usually None.

> You have to use super each time you want to make a
> call to a parent's function. It returns an object with
> an internal queue.

It should return the result of the superclasses method,
whatever that is.

> mechanism from managing multiple inheritance

Or even single inheritance if you want to...

Alan G. 

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