[Tutor] Help - accumulator not working (Lea)

Lea Parker lea-parker at bigpond.com
Fri Apr 15 23:52:22 CEST 2011



I am trying to create this program for a uni assignment. I cannot get it to
add the expenses to the accumulator I have set. Would you mind having a look
and letting me know if I have something in the wrong place or indented
incorrectly. Perhaps I am missing something.


There could be other things wrong but I need to fix this first and then I
can focus on the next thing. I have difficulty trying to fix lots of things
at once so if you could just comment on the problem and I will ask again if
I can't work out the next problem I have. I like to have a go myself first.


My code is:


"""This program is to calculate if the user is over or under budget

for the month"""



def main():


    # Create an accumulator

    total_expense = 0.0


    # Ask user for the monthly budget

    budget = float(raw_input('Enter the amount of your budget for the month:



    # Calculate a series of expenses

    expense = float(raw_input('Enter your first expense $'))


     # Accumlate expense

    total_expense = total_expense + expense


    # Continue processing as long as the user

    # does not enter 0

    while expense != 0:


        #Get another expense

        expense = float(raw_input('Enter the next expense or 0 to finish


        #Calculate surplus

        surplus = budget - total_expense


    #Display results

    print 'Your total expenses for the month $', total_expense

    print 'Your surplus amount after expenses $', surplus


# Call the main function.



Thank you.

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