[Tutor] Trouble executing an if statement with a string from aninput
Peter Otten
__peter__ at web.de
Mon Apr 18 10:24:43 CEST 2011
Alan Gauld wrote:
> "Sylvia DeAguiar" <mebesylvie at yahoo.com> wrote
>> The code runs fine on python shell (from run module) but
>> when I try to execute the program from its file, it always
>> prints out c, regardless
>> x = input("a, b, or c:")
>> ...
>> else:
>> print ('c')
> It looks like IDLE is running Python V3 where as the
> shell is picking up Python V2.
> If you are using Linux type
> $ which python
> to check which version. You might want to create
> an alias for the two versions or somesuch.
> On Windows you may need to set up a different
> file association for Python.
> The probl;em is with the input() function.
> In v2 input() evaluates the string typed by the user
> so that in this case it returns the numeric versions
> of the input. Thus it never equals the strings used
> in your tests. In v3 input() just returns the string
> typed by the user.
If she were using 2.x and typed an 'a' she would get a NameError.
> If you want your code to work in both Python
> versions you could explicitly convert the input()
> result to a string:
> x = str(input("a, b, or c:"))
str() doesn't magically uneval. Typing 'a' would still give you a traceback.
If you want to emulate 3.x input() in 2.x:
input = raw_input
except NameError:
Sylvia: follow Timo's advice and add
print(repr(x)) # outer parens necessary for 3.x
If there are different versions of Python 3 on your machine and you are
using Windows you may have run into http://bugs.python.org/issue11272 .
A workaround then may be
x = input("a, b, or c:").strip("\r")
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