[Tutor] help with this problem

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Sun Apr 24 14:12:24 CEST 2011

Ratna Banjara wrote:
>  The number 124 has the property that it is the smallest number whose
> first three multiples contain the digit 2. Observe that
> 124*1 = 124, 124*2 = 248, 124*3 = 372 and that 124, 248 and 372 each
> contain the digit 2. It is possible to generalize this property to be
> the smallest number whose first n multiples each contain the digit 2.
> Write a function named smallest(n) that returns the smallest number
> whose first n multiples contain the digit 2. Hint: use modulo base 10
> arithmetic to examine digits.
> Its signature is
> int smallest(int n)
> You may assume that such a number is computable on a 32 bit machine,
> i.e, you do not have to detect integer overflow in your answer.

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