[Tutor] after(), how do I use it?

Wayne Werner waynejwerner at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 03:15:10 CEST 2011

On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 8:02 PM, michael scott <jigenbakuda at yahoo.com>wrote:

> Here is the code in its entirety, it works although I don't see after()
> defined, so I assumed it was a built in function. I can just copy and paste
> parts of this code into my project, so its not imperative that I understand,
> but I prefer to use the weapons I've been given. So I hope that you guys can
> understand it a bit better after I post this.

That it is indeed. Do you understand classes and subclassing in Python? App
is a subclass of tk.Tk. If you have done any of your own programming in
Tkinter, you should know that Tk is the "main" class in Tkinter. If you do a
Google search for "Tkinter after", the top two results will answer your


> import Tkinter as tk
> class App(tk.Tk):
>     def __init__(self,*args, **kwargs):
>         tk.Tk.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
>         self.label = tk.Label(self, text="", width=20, anchor="w")
>         self.label.pack(side="top",fill="both",expand=True)
>         self.print_label_slowly("Hello, world!")
>     def print_label_slowly(self, message):
>         '''Print a label one character at a time using the event loop'''
>         t = self.label.cget("text")
>         t += message[0]
>         self.label.config(text=t)
>         if len(message) > 1:
>             self.after(500, self.print_label_slowly, message[1:])
> app = App()
> app.mainloop()
> ----
> What is it about you... that intrigues me so?
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Adam Bark <adam.jtm30 at gmail.com>
> *To:* tutor at python.org
> *Sent:* Mon, April 25, 2011 8:50:16 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [Tutor] after(), how do I use it?
> On 26/04/11 01:36, michael scott wrote:
> > Hello, I asked for help in another location and it solved my problem, but
> the only problem is I don't fully understand the after function. Here is
> part of the code that was given to me.
> >
> >
> >    def print_label_slowly(self, message):
> >        '''Print a label one character at a time using the event loop'''
> >        t = self.label.cget("text")
> >        t += message[0]
> >        self.label.config(text=t)
> >        if len(message) > 1:
> >            self.after(500, self.print_label_slowly, message[1:])
> >
> > I understand it, and the gist of how it works, but the self.after... I
> can not find any documentation on it (because after is such a common word),
> so can you guys tell me how it works. Is this a built in function (didn't
> see it on the built in function list)? Does it always take 3 arguements? Is
> this a user made function and I'm just overlooking where it was defined at?
> The function you have shown there appears to be a class method. self.after
> means you are calling another method of the same function that
> print_label_slowly is a part of.
> Do you have the rest of the code? If you're still confused post it and
> hopefully we can clear it up for you.
> HTH,
> Adam.
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