[Tutor] Puzzled again

Dave Angel d at davea.name
Wed Aug 3 06:59:51 CEST 2011

On 08/02/2011 10:36 PM, Richard D. Moores wrote:
> Puzzled again. Why the error. Line 36 is the line just above "import
> os.path". I have many other functions in mycalc.py with examples
> formatted exactly the same way.
> def convertPath(path):
>      """
>      Given a path with backslashes, return that path with forward slashes.
>      By Steven D'Aprano  07/31/2011 on Tutor list
>      >>>  path = r'C:\Users\Dick\Desktop\Documents\Notes\College Notes.rtf'
>      >>>  convertPath(path)
>      'C:/Users/Dick/Desktop/Documents/Notes/College Notes.rtf'
>      """
>      import os.path
>      separator = os.path.sep
>      if separator != '/':
>          path = path.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
>      return path
>>>> from mycalc import convertPath
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "<string>", line 36, in<fragment>
> Syntax Error: """: c:\Python32\lib\site-packages\mycalc.py, line 36-1
>>>> def convertPath(path):
>>>>      """
>>>>      Given a path with backslashes, return that path with forward slashes.
>>>>      By Steven D'Aprano  07/31/2011 on Tutor list
>>>>      >>>  path = r'C:\Users\Dick\Desktop\Documents\Notes\College Notes.rtf'
>>>>      >>>  convertPath(path)
>>>>      'C:/Users/Dick/Desktop/Documents/Notes/College Notes.rtf'
>>>>      """
>>>>      import os.path
>>>>      separator = os.path.sep
>>>>      if separator != '/':
>>>>          path = path.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
When I paste that from your email into a file and run Python 2.7 on it, 
it behaves fine with no errors.  That's in Linux.

But the easiest explanation is that you perhaps used a funny character 
for your triple-quotes.  And when you retyped them on a new line, you 
typed regular ones.

For example, I've seen that sort of thing when someone wrote code in a 
Windows word processor that had "smart quotes."



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