[Tutor] directory within directory
Peter Otten
__peter__ at web.de
Tue Aug 16 10:21:45 CEST 2011
questions anon wrote:
> I would like to open up a bunch of files within a folder within a folder
> and then process them and output them in another location but with the
> same folder structure. I seem to having trouble with the folder within
> folder section.
> I have a separate folder for each year and then within a year I have a
> separate folder for each month but when I try to make a directory in a new
> location it does not place the month folders within the year folders,
> instead they are all places in the outputpath together
> any help will be greatly appreciated
> import os
> inputpath=r'E:/temp_samples2/'
> outputpath=r'E:/figureoutputs/'
> for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(inputpath):
> for dir in dirs:
> print path, dir
> newfolders=outputpath+dir
Using string concatenation to produce file paths is errorprone.
Have a look at the path manipulation functions that the os.path module has
to offer.
> if not os.path.exists(newfolders):
> os.makedirs(newfolders)
> print newfolders
dir is just the directory name. You get the source directory with
sourcepath = os.path.join(path, dir)
Now you have to remove the start of the path with
relativepath = os.path.relpath(sourcepath, inputpath)
Finally add the outputpath:
newdir = os.path.join(outputpath, relativepath)
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