[Tutor] directory within directory

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Wed Aug 17 09:43:50 CEST 2011

questions anon wrote:

> Thank you, that does create the directories in the new place but when I
> process the data it does not put the outputs in the correct directory they
> all end up in the last directory created.
> Below is the code of what I am trying to do.
> Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

I think

> for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(inputpath):
>     for dir in dirs:
>         print dir
>         sourcepath=os.path.join(path,dir)
>         relativepath=os.path.relpath(sourcepath,inputpath)
>         newdir=os.path.join(outputpath,relativepath)

the following two lines

>     if not os.path.exists(newdir):
>         os.makedirs(newdir)

belong in the for-dirs-loop. plt.savefig() belongs into the for-ncfile loop 
and needs a path based on the path variable:
>     for ncfile in files:
>         if ncfile[-3:]=='.nc':
              relativepath = os.path.relpath(path, inputpath)
              newdir = os.path.join(outputpath, relativepath)

All untested guesswork. I don't see how you ensure that you get a new figure 
for each *.nc file and am too lazy to consult the matplotlib 

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