[Tutor] Best way to store and access a fixed coordinate list

David Crisp david.crisp at gmail.com
Fri Aug 19 05:14:50 CEST 2011


I have a large grid of numbers  100 * 100

I then randomly select an X and Y to act as a "centre" point.

I have a list of numbers which are coordinate offsets which are then
applied to the centre point as per:

X = (-2,2),(-4,2),(4,2),(2,2)  (The list is about 200 coordinate pairs long)

The idea is that I iterate through the list of coordinates in X and do
the following:

if (Centrepoint plus x and y offset) = something then something else.

So, what is the best way of storeing this within a script.

What is the best way of accessing it then later so I can break out the
first and second number in the coordinate pair and actually use them
in a calculation.

suggestions are welcome.  I have been focused on this for a few hours
now and I think i cant see the trees for the forest (of the problem)


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