[Tutor] How have I transgressed??

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Mon Aug 22 01:03:48 CEST 2011

Lisi wrote:
> I have just received the following.*  In what way have I transgressed?  I 
> apologise to you all - but as I mentioned, I had been stuck for weeks and am 
> running out of time.  And I certainly tried to help myself - I just didn't 
> succeed! Anyhow, if someone will tell me in what way I have transgressed, 
> I'll try harder in future.
> Thanks,
> Lisi
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I get these occasionally. As far as I can tell, the mailing list 
software gets confused sometimes and thinks you are posting for the 
first time, when you're not.

It's annoying but meaningless.


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