[Tutor] Help with if-elif-else structure

Emile van Sebille emile at fenx.com
Sat Aug 27 17:46:06 CEST 2011

On 8/26/2011 8:21 AM Prasad, Ramit said...
>> if roll[0]>  15:
>>     .........
>> elif roll[0]<=15:<--- this is redundant. already checked for>  15 so if here is always<= 15
>>      if roll[1]>= 2:
>> you can change with:
>> elif roll[1]>= 2:
> That is not true. The first one looks at index [0], while the second one is index[1].

No, it is true.  The resulting code would be:

if roll[0] > 15:
elif roll[1] >= 2

where the second test only occurs when roll[0] <= 15.


>>> if roll[0]>  15:
>>>    if roll[1]>= 2:
>>>        print("Success")
>>>    elif roll[2]>= 2:
>>>        print("Critical failure!")
> This will print "Success" if the first roll is greater than 15 AND second roll is 2 or greater.
> It will print "Critical failure!" if the first roll is greater than 15 AND the second roll is less than 2 AND the third roll is 2 or greater.
> Ramit
> Ramit Prasad | JPMorgan Chase Investment Bank | Currencies Technology
> 712 Main Street | Houston, TX 77002
> work phone: 713 - 216 - 5423
> From: tutor-bounces+ramit.prasad=jpmorgan.com at python.org [mailto:tutor-bounces+ramit.prasad=jpmorgan.com at python.org] On Behalf Of TheIrda
> Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 8:55 AM
> To: Christopher King
> Cc: python mail list
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Help with if-elif-else structure
> Hello,
> I'm quite new on python, so don't hit too hard if I'm wrong ;)
> A question on the logic... Does this means
> if roll[0]>  15:
>     if roll[1]>= 2:
>         print("Success")
>     elif roll[2]>= 2:
>         print("Critical failure!")
> that rolling multiple 1's get the priority on rolling multiple 6's? I mean result>  15 and 2 1's is always a critical success even if multiple 6 are rolled?
> also
> if roll[0]>  15:
>     .........
> elif roll[0]<=15:<--- this is redundant. already checked for>  15 so if here is always<= 15
>      if roll[1]>= 2:
> you can change with:
> elif roll[1]>= 2:
> And... which is the RPG name ? :p
> Cheers
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