[Tutor] Intro

Lisi lisi.reisz at gmail.com
Mon Aug 29 21:33:19 CEST 2011

On Monday 29 August 2011 19:02:29 Alan Gauld wrote:
> To be fair, in the paper edition of my tutor I do use a Games framework
> as a second case-study. I then use the framework to build a number
> guessing game and a Hangman (and a Mastermind on the CD)...

Now, I knew there was a reason I decided to use the on-line version. ;-)  I 
just didn't realise how wise my decision was.  Anyhow, those games strike me 
as being reasonably innocuous - and fairly untypical of what computer games 
seem normally to be about.

> Games are popular with many beginners especially hobbyists rather
> than corporate types :-).

Yes, I agree.  I also agree that many (male) youngsters would like it.  But 
statistically women don't like computer games (and yes, I know some do, but 
among women they are statistically in a minority).  So using games for _all_ 
programming books strikes me as being almost sexist.  It is after all, a good 
way to keep women out! ;-) 

And what have you got against corporate types??? ;-)


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