[Tutor] Fwd: Re: largest palindrome number

bob gailer bgailer at gmail.com
Tue Aug 30 20:44:49 CEST 2011

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [Tutor] largest palindrome number
Date: 	Tue, 30 Aug 2011 23:24:09 +0530
From: 	surya k <suryak at live.com>
To: 	bob gailer <bgailer at gmail.com>

Mr Gailer,

That's an amazing way of writing palindrome function. Actually, I'm
still using my old C logic's here.

Thanks for sharing.

On 8/30/11, bob gailer<bgailer at gmail.com>  wrote:
>  On 8/25/2011 12:49 PM, surya k wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>  I'm doing a puzzle where it asked me to find the largest palindrome
>>  number formed by the product of two three-digit numbers. They
>>  mentioned an example saying that 9009 is the largest palindrome number
>>  formed by two two-digit numbers (99 * 91).
>>  I've written my code this way.. and I tested it with the given example
>>  and I got it right!
>>  /Logic I used :/
>>  largest two digit number is 99 and three digit number is 999.. so
>>  largest product of two two-digit numbers is<  100*100 and for
>>  three-digit numbers is<  1000*1000.
>>  So, I used a for loop and it assigns a palindromic value to /PNum/
>>  till it is<  100*100 (for 2 digit number) and<  1000*1000 (for
>>  three-digit number)..
>>  Thus it stops at the max possible palindromic value, which is what we
>>  want.
>>          def palindrome (n) :
>>              TempN = n
>>              rev  = 0
>>              while n != 0 :
>>                  k = n % 10
>>          rev = (rev * 10) + k
>>          n = n / 10
>>              if  TempN == rev :
>>                  return TempN # Palindrome
>>              else :
>>          return 0 # not Palindrome
>  zTwice as fast on my computer!
>  def palindrome (n):
>       s = '%s' % n
>       return s == s[::-1]
>>          for i in range (1,100) :
>>              for j in range (i,100) :
>>                  Temp = palindrome(i*j)
>>                  if Temp<  10000 and Temp != 0 :
>>                     PNum = Temp
>>          print PNum
>>  So, for getting the largest palindrome number formed by two
>>  three-digit numbers, I changed 100 to 1000 and 1,00,00 to 1,000,000 in
>>  the highlighted area. Thus I got the answer to be 888888. When I
>>  submitted the answer, its saying wrong!
>>  Where I'm going wrong ?
>>  help me, please !
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>>  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org
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>  --
>  Bob Gailer
>  919-636-4239
>  Chapel Hill NC

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